Account Management

Manage your platform user account, configure notifications, and get password support.

Table of Contents

  1. How do I edit my user profile?
  2. How do change my user password?
  3. How do I change my username?
  4. How do I change my contact email address?
  5. How do I update my user profile picture?
  6. How do I enable or disable notifications?
  7. How do I upload and crop icons?
  8. What do I do if I forget my password?
  9. How do I log out?

How do I edit my user profile?

After you create a new account, your profile is created. The top navigation includes a Profile link where you can view and edit your account User Details and User Settings pages in the left navigation.

To edit user details:
  1. In the top navigation, click Profile. Click the Details in the left navigation. The User Details page displays.
  2. Click Edit. The Edit User Details page displays.
  3. Update the account information as needed.
  4. Click Save to commit your changes, then Finish to exit the User Settings page.
  5. After exiting the User Details page, select the Home page or another function using the top navigation quick filters.
To edit user settings:
  1. In the top navigation, click Profile. Click Settings in the left navigation. The User Settings page displays.
  2. Click Edit. The Edit User Settings page displays.
  3. Update the account information as needed.
  4. Click Save to commit your changes, then Finish to exit the User Settings page.
  5. After exiting the User Settings page, select the Home page or another function using the top navigation quick filters.

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How do change my password?

Your password is used along with your email address to sign in. You can change your user account password on the User Settings page.

To change your password:
  1. Access the User Settings page (Profile > Settings > Edit).
  2. Update the "Password" and "Confirm" fields. Click Save to commit your changes, then Finish to exit the User Settings page. To ensure account integrity, using a "strong" password is recommended.
  3. See How do I edit my user profile? for details.

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How do I change my username?

Your User Name displays on posts, tickets, and notifications. When you initially sign up, you specify a User Name on the Personal Info page. If you would like to update your User Name, you can change it on the User Details page.

To change your username:
  1. Access the Edit User Details page (Profile > Details > Edit).
  2. Update the "User Name" field. Click Save /strong> to commit your changes, then Finish to exit the User Settings page.
  3. See How do I edit my user profile? for details.

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How do I change my contact email address?

Notifications are sent to your contact email address. If you would like to send these notifications to a different email address, you can change your contact email address on the User Settings page.

To change your contact email address:
  1. Access the Edit User Settings page (Profile > Settings > Edit).
  2. Update the "Email" field. Click Save to commit your changes, then Finish to exit the User Settings page.
  3. See How do I edit my user profile? for more information.

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How do I update my user profile picture?

The user profile pic displays with the user name in the Logged In User area, and with App Board, API Board, and Dashboard posts.

You can upload a profile pic image to the site via the Profile > Details page. Profile pic upload options include performing a direct file upload or uploading a file from Gravatar.

The supported file requirements are as follows:

To upload a new user profile picture (direct file upload):
  1. Access the Edit User Details page (Profile > Details > Edit). The current profile pic displays in the "Avatar" section.
  2. Select the Use Avatar option that displays the product name.
  3. Click Upload. The Upload File pop-up displays.
  4. Click Browse to target and select your profile pic image. Click Upload. The image loads into the Upload File pop-up with the upper left corner of the file selected. This represents the default crop setting for your image (75px x 75px). Select the cropped area and drag the highlight to the area of the image you would like to display as your profile pic. You can resize the cropped area as desired (but cannot exceed the default crop setting).
  5. After you have defined the area of your image you would like cropped, click Save. Your profile pic is updated and will now display in the Logged In User area, and with App Board, API Board, and Dashboard posts. Click Save to exit the User Details page.
  6. See How do I edit my user profile? for details.
To upload a new user profile picture (Gravatar):
  1. Access the Edit User Details page (Profile > Details > Edit). The current profile pic displays in the "Avatar" section.
  2. If would like to use an icon you have registered with, select the Use Avatar from Gravatar icon. The avatar changes to the Gravatar icon.
  3. Click Save. Your profile pic is updated and will now display in the Logged In User area, and with App Board, API Board, and Dashboard posts.
  4. See How do I edit my user profile? for details.

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How do I enable or disable notifications?

By default, the platform sends you email notifications when certain activities occur. You can update your notifications settings on the User Settings page to turn email notifications off or on for certain events.

To change your notification settings:
  1. Access the Edit User Settings page (Profile > Details > Edit).
  2. Notifications are configured in the "Notifications Settings" section by selecting a notification type. All notifications are disabled by default.
  3. If you would like to receive news updates. Click the Receive News Updates checkbox.
  4. In the "Send Notifications when" section check or uncheck each notification type you would like to enable or disable. Options include:
    • My Apps receive alerts
    • There are major changes to my app's lifecycle
    • Posts are created for my apps
    • There are changes to my app's team
    • There are changes to my app's access to APIs
    • There are changes to my app's Team
    • Someone comments on my post
    • Three are changes to my Private API Group
    • Tickets referencing my apps are created or updated
  5. After completing your entries click Save.
  6. See How do I edit my user profile? for details.

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How do I upload and crop icons?

You can optionally upload an icon to uniquely identify a resource such as an API, app, or group. This action can be performed in the Icon section when adding or editing the resource.

To upload and crop an icon:
  1. In the Icon section, click Upload to launch the Upload File pop-up.
  2. Click Browse to target and select your profile pic image.
  3. Click Upload. The image loads into the Upload File pop-up with the upper left corner of the file selected. This represents the default crop setting for your image (75px x 75px).
  4. Select the cropped area and drag the highlight to the area of the image you would like to display as your profile pic. You can resize the cropped area as desired (but cannot exceed the default crop setting).
    • Supported image types include jpeg, gif, tiff, bmp, and png formats.
    • The maximum preview size for a pic is 75px x 75px.
    • The maximum file size to upload is 4MB.
  5. Click Save.

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What do I do if I forget my password?

If you forget your password, you can submit a password reset request.

To reset your password:
  1. Click on the Login / Sign-up section of the site header. In the login area of the Login page, click Forgot Password?
  2. The Forgot your password? dialog box displays that asks you to enter an email address where your password can be sent. Enter the email address and click Submit. The Check Your Email page displays.
  3. Retrieve the email and click the link. The Reset Password screen displays. Enter the "New Password" and "Confirm Password," and click Submit. The Reset Password page closes.
  4. The system updates your password and displays the Home page. Use your email address and updated password to log in.

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How do I log out?

You can log out using the Logout link on the top navigation.

To log out:
  1. Access the top navigation.
  2. Click Logout.

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