Configure basic settings for apps, APIs, and groups, set up custom color schemes, define a platform login, and upload documentation files and style sheets.
The platform comes with a default look and feel, including styles, colors, navigation, logo, and so on. These platform default styles are stored in a stylesheet which is dynamically generated from a file named custom.less.
If you want to customize platform styles, follow the basic steps below. If you want to start from the platform default styles and are modifying for the first time, follow the steps in To customize platform styles for the first time. If you have already modified your styles and want to make additional changes, use To make additional changes to customized styles.
For more information on what you can change, see What color scheme changes are supported on my platform deployment?
Note: When you upload new styles to the platform, you'll need to clear your browser cache and refresh the page to see the changes.
You can change the color scheme for platform elements such as:
Color scheme updates are performed by updating the custom.less style sheet. For an overview of the process, and instructions, see I want to customize platform styles. What do I do?
The platform includes a style sheet template, custom_template.less, that you can download, rename to custom.less, and update based on your requirements. For full instructions, refer to To customize platform styles for the first time.
Here are some general points regarding the platform style sheet:
The Administration > Config > Custom Styles section includes a Download Template button that allows you to download the custom_template.less template.
The Administration > Config > Custom Styles section includes an Upload button that allows you to upload the custom.less file after you've customized it.
After you update your custom.less file, you can apply the changes to the platform deployment by uploading the modified file. When you upload the file, the site automatically rebuilds the site style sheets and the changes are reflected on the site. See How do I upload my custom.less file after I have updated it? for more information.
If the style sheet and sprite file changes are not visible immediately after the style sheet rebuild process is complete, clear the browser cache and then refresh.
Note: If you want to go back to the default styles at any point, you can always go back to the custom_template.less file. See To customize platform styles for the first time.
The Administration > Config > Custom Styles section includes a Rebuild Styles option that allows you to Initiate a rebuild of the platform style sheets. This option is primarily used when a platform update is installed that includes style sheet changes. This option is primarily used when a site update is performed where style sheet changes were made.
For example, if an update was applied to the site and the update included new additions to the UI that required style sheet changes; this would mean that the style sheets were not active immediately after the update was completed. In this case, the Rebuild Styles option would complete update process by regenerating the style sheets.
The platform UI includes a series of standard icons that accommodate quick filters, help, menu navigation names, window titles, etc. These standard icons cannot be changed, but when a UI customization is performed the color of the icon can be changed.
Figure. Upload sprite files to \images folder via Administration > Config > Resources (Resources > File Manager)
During the UI design phase of your platform deployment your brand standards and colors are selected. The site includes a series of icons. The icon design is fixed and part of the site design, but the icon color and contrast can be changed. The general process for modifying icon colors involves the following steps:
// path to the image file of 18px sprites of leftnav navigation items that reflect the current section of "subject" details // @leftnav-active-icons: @icon-active-18px: url("images/sprites_18_color.png");
The custom.less style sheet is implemented with LESS which is a dynamic stylesheet language that extends the static CSS by adding a dynamic behavior in the CSS.
In most cases, after you regenerate styles and upload your sprite files you must clear the browser cache and refresh the screen to view the changes.
The footer customization process includes the following steps:
The process of adding a custom logo to the platform includes configuring your logo to comply with the logo file requirements (listed below), specifying the logo filename in the template (see To specify your logo filename in the template below) and uploading it to the platform (see To upload your logo file below).
Your logo must comply with the following requirements:
As part of the initial platform setup, a Site Administrator installs and a series of domains that represent an enterprise's login requirements for the platform:
After the login domains are installed, they must be enabled and customized with a Target Host (virtual host name) Logo/Avatar (Login Button), and external login screen display Mode (i.e., Popup/Main). The Site Administration > Config > Logins section includes a login management interface where Site Administrators can perform these tasks.
The screen is organized as follows:
Domain Type | Description |
Domain | A read-only field that displays the domain name as defined when the domain was configured using the Add Domain Wizard. The domain name cannot be modified. |
Title | A read-only field that displays the description of the domain as defined when the domain was configured using the Add Domain Wizard. You can change the description in the Site Administration > Domains section using the Modify function. |
Enable | A checkbox that allows you to enable or disable use of the domain. |
Target Host | A text box that allows you to enter a virtual host name for a domain. See What is a Target Host? |
Logo / Avatar | An Upload button that allows you to select a logo that will invoke the login page for the associated domain. |
Mode | Mode allows you to select how the login page associated with a domain will be integrated. Two options are supported: Popup—Displays the external login page as a popup Main—Displays the external login page in the platform home page instead of a popup. Note: Mode options are not configurable for the default login page. |
When the platform is installed, a default login domain is automatically created and can be viewed and managed by the Site Administrator in the Site Administration > Config > Logins section.
Site Administrators can specify different URLs for logging into the platform based on roles (Administrator, Developer, User, etc.), or for a Backdoor Login if one of your domain configurations is down. This is accomplished by specifying a virtual host address for each login domain referred to as a Target Host (e.g., <role>.<company>.com).
The recommended approach is to develop a login plan for each role that covers different types of login scenarios.
The platform allows you to select how the login page associated with a domain will be integrated. The integration method is selected via the Mode option on the Site Administration > Config > Logins page for a specific domain. Two options are supported:
Note: Mode options are not configurable for the default login page.
In the context of the Site Administration > Config > Resources section, a Resource is any type of publishing artifact used in the construction of the platform UI presentation. This includes css style sheets, images, sprite files, site copy, API documentation, and online help documentation.
When you upload a new custom.less file in the Custom Styles section, the /resources/theme/default/style directory is automatically created and includes the site default style sheets. Some points to note:
If you've updated one or more Sprite files, you can create an /images folder in the /resources/theme/default/style directory and upload them. Sprite files must be uploaded AFTER you have uploaded your custom.less file and have rebuilt the site styles (either automatically as part of the custom.less upload process or manually by executing the Rebuild function).
Content that can be uploaded to the platform includes API documentation, Online Help, Landing Page, Signup, and Support. Content will typically consist of HTML files, images that are referenced in the content, any custom styles sheets that support the content, and reference material (i.e., PDF's, diagrams, etc.) that are linked in the content.
To modify the landing page, you must download it, modify it offline, and then upload it to the same location.
The document.css style sheet contains all the custom styles for both API and Online Help documentation. It is located in the /content/style directory. If you make changes to the document.css file, you can upload it directly to the /content/style directory.
Note: This style sheet is not affected by the custom.less style sheet regeneration process and will not be changed or overwritten when a new custom.less file is uploaded.
You can configure API settings to determine which features will be available for all APIs on the platform. If a feature is disabled in the API settings page it will not be present in the user interface.
Unless otherwise noted, settings are either enabled or disabled.
You can configure the API settings shown in the tables below:
This setting... | Controls this feature... |
API Workflow Definition | The workflow definition (default or custom) that will apply to all new APIs on the platform (existing APIs are not affected). |
This setting... | Controls this feature... |
Supported | Determines whether public APIs are supported on the platform. Public APIs are visible to all users, including anonymous users. If this setting is disabled, only private APIs are allowed. |
Ratings | Determines whether users can rate public APIs. If disabled, the ratings feature does not appear in the user interface. |
Sandbox Endpoint | Determines whether public APIs will have the option of having a sandbox endpoint. |
Reviews | Determines whether users can write and share reviews of public APIs. If disabled, the reviews feature does not appear in the user interface. |
Sandbox Auto Approval | Determines whether public APIs with a sandbox endpoint will allow sandbox access automatically upon request, or will explicitly approve or deny each request. |
Scopes | Determines whether the Admin will have the option to define scopes (part of the Licenses feature). If implemented, individual API operations can be assigned to different scopes for packaging into different licenses. |
Production Endpoint | Determines whether public APIs will have the option of having a production endpoint. |
Production Auto Approval | Determines whether public APIs with a production endpoint will allow sandbox access automatically upon request, or will explicitly approve or deny each request. |
This setting... | Controls this feature... |
Supported | Determines whether private APIs are supported on the platform. Private APIs are visible only to invited users. If this setting is disabled, only public APIs are allowed. |
Ratings | Determines whether users can rate private APIs. If disabled, the ratings feature does not appear in the user interface. |
Sandbox Endpoint | Determines whether private APIs will have the option of having a sandbox endpoint. |
Reviews | Determines whether users can write and share reviews of private APIs. If disabled, the reviews feature does not appear in the user interface. |
Sandbox Auto Approval | Determines whether private APIs with a sandbox endpoint will allow sandbox access automatically upon request, or will explicitly approve or deny each request. |
Scopes | Determines whether the Admin will have the option to define scopes (part of the Licenses feature). If implemented, API operations can be assigned to different scopes for packaging into different licenses. |
Production Endpoint | Determines whether private APIs will have the option of having a production endpoint. |
API Scope Groups | Determines whether scope groups can be created. If this option is enabled, the API Admin can create groups via the API > Visibility > Groups page. |
Production Auto Approval | Determines whether private APIs with a production endpoint will allow sandbox access automatically upon request, or will explicitly approve or deny each request. |
Independent Group | Determines whether private APIs will have the option of having Private API Groups associated with them. |
You can configure app settings to determine which features will be available for all apps on the platform. If a feature is disabled in the app settings page it will not be present in the user interface.
Unless otherwise noted, settings are either enabled or disabled.
Available app configuration settings are shows in the tables below:
This setting... | Controls this feature... |
User-Defined Identity | Determines whether an app's unique Runtime ID can be defined by a user rather than generated by the platform. |
SImultaneous Access to Sandbox and Production | If enabled, grants access to both environments in one request. |
App Workflow Definition | The workflow definition (default or custom) that will apply to all new apps on the platform (existing apps are not affected). |
This setting... | Controls this feature... |
Supported | Determines whether public apps will be supported on the platform. Public apps are visible to all users, including anonymous users. If disabled, only private apps are allowed. |
Ratings | Determines whether users will be able to rate public apps. If disabled, the ratings feature does not appear in the user interface. |
Reviews | Determines whether users will be able to write and share reviews of public apps. If disabled, the reviews feature does not appear in the user interface. |
This setting... | Controls this feature... |
Supported | Determines whether private apps will be supported on the platform. Private apps are visible only to invited users. If disabled, only public apps are allowed. |
Ratings | Determines whether users will be able to rate private apps. If disabled, the ratings feature does not appear in the user interface. |
Reviews | Determines whether users will be able to write and share reviews of private apps. If disabled, the reviews feature does not appear in the user interface. |
You can configure group settings to determine which features will be available for all group on the platform. If a feature is disabled in the group settings page it will not be present in the user interface.
Unless otherwise noted, settings are either enabled or disabled.
Available group configuration settings are shows in the tables below:
This setting... | Controls this feature... |
Group Support | Determines whether groups are supported on the platform. If this setting is disabled, nothing about groups appears in the platform and no other options relating to groups are available. |
This setting... | Controls this feature... |
Supported | Determines whether public groups are supported on the platform. Public groups are visible to all users, including anonymous users. If this setting is disabled, only private groups are allowed. Valid values:
Ratings | Determines whether users can rate public groups. If disabled, the ratings feature does not appear in the user interface. |
Reviews | Determines whether users can write and share reviews of public groups. If disabled, the reviews feature does not appear in the user interface. |
This setting... | Controls this feature... |
Supported | Determines whether private groups will be supported on the platform. Private groups are visible only to invited users. If this setting is disabled, only public groups are allowed. Valid values:
Ratings | Determines whether users can rate private groups. If disabled, the ratings feature does not appear in the user interface. |
Reviews | Determines whether users can write and share reviews of private groups. If disabled, the reviews feature does not appear in the user interface. |
You can customize the following workflows:
Note: OAuth grants cannot be customized at this time.
The first step in implementing a custom workflow is for the Business Admin to develop the custom workflow and upload it to the platform. For more information on custom workflows and the upload process, refer to What is a custom workflow? and How do I set up and manage custom workflows?
Once the Business Admin has uploaded a custom workflow, the Site Admin can specify that workflow as the default for the resource type. From that point onwards, the new workflow applies to any new resources of that type. Existing resources are not affected.
Follow the instructions for the applicable object type:
Note: when you specify a new custom workflow for a resource, it affects all future resources. Existing resources are not affected. In some cases, it's possible to modify the workflow used for an individual resource. For example, the API Admin or Business Admin can modify the workflow that a specific API uses, in the API Details page.
The Site Admin can specify a custom workflow and set that as the default workflow for all future APIs on the platform. When the default workflow is changed, the new workflow applies to all new APIs, but existing APIs are not affected.
Before specifying the custom workflow as the platform default, the Business Admin must first create the custom workflow externally and upload it. For instructions, see To upload a custom workflow.
For more information on API settings, refer to To configure API settings.
The Site Admin can specify a custom workflow and set that as the default workflow for all future apps on the platform. When the default workflow is changed, the new workflow applies to all new apps, but existing apps are not affected.
Before specifying the custom workflow as the platform default, the Business Admin must first create the custom workflow externally and upload it. For instructions, see To upload a custom workflow.
For more information on API settings, refer to To configure API settings.
You can modify the default workflow for app/API contracts (API access requests), but there is currently no way to apply the custom workflow through the user interface. You'd need to make modifications to the database. If you need to do this, contact technical support for assistance.
You can modify the default workflow for groups, but there is currently no way to apply the custom workflow through the user interface. You'd need to make modifications to the database. If you need to do this, contact technical support for assistance.
You can modify the default workflow for tickets, but there is currently no way to apply the custom workflow through the user interface. You'd need to make modifications to the database. If you need to do this, contact technical support for assistance.
You can modify the default workflow for OAuth grants, but there is currently no way to apply the custom workflow through the user interface. You'd need to make modifications to the database. If you need to do this, contact technical support for assistance.